Step 1: Accessing the MetaTrader Platform
Download and Install MetaTrader
- If you don't have MetaTrader installed, download and install either MT4 or MT5 from the official MetaQuotes website.
Login or Create an Account
- Log in with your existing account or create a new one. Ensure that your account has the necessary permissions for automated trading.

Step 2: Navigating to the Expert Advisors Section
Open the Navigator Window
- Locate the Navigator window on the left side of the platform. You can open it by pressing Ctrl + N or by clicking the Navigator icon.
Select Expert Advisors
- Under the Navigator, find the "Expert Advisors" section. This is where you'll manage and install your Bots.
Step 3: Installing the Bot
Choose the Right Bot
- If you don't have MetaTrader installed, download and install either MT4 or MT5 from the official MetaQuotes website.
- Ensure you have a reliable and compatible Bot file (usually with a .ex4 or .mq4 extension) ready for installation.
Drag and Drop or Copy-Paste
- Drag and drop the Bot file into the "Experts" folder within the "MQL4" (for MT4) or "MQL5" (for MT5) directory. Alternatively, you can copy-paste the file into the folder.
Step 4: Activating the Bot
Restart the MetaTrader Platform
- Close and reopen the MetaTrader platform to ensure the newly installed Bot is recognized.
Enable Automated Trading
- Go to the "Options" menu (press 'Ctrl + O') and navigate to the "Expert Advisors" tab. Ensure the "Enable Expert Advisors" and "Allow DLL imports" options are selected.
Step 5: Attaching the Bot to a Chart
Choose a Currency Pair and Timeframe
- Open a chart for the currency pair you want to trade and select the desired timeframe.
Drag the Bot onto the Chart
- From the Navigator, drag the installed Bot onto the chart. You can adjust the settings and parameters as needed.
Check for Smiley Face:
- In the top right corner of the chart, look for a smiley face icon. If it's smiling, the Bot is active and ready to trade.